
Capacity Building strengthens our collective practice of Transformative Youth Organizing

YO! Cali’s Capacity Building provides training, programming, and deep supports to Youth Organizing Groups in the field that build & strengthen the organizing skills, strategy, and sustainability of organizers & organizations to harness their  power, and create long term community transformation.

We do this through workshops & trainings, peer learning spaces, individual and organizational coaching & support, leadership development programs, and providing  pathways for the next generation of youth organizers


Core Programs & Activities

Our key capacity building programming supports and  nurtures current and emerging youth organizing groups through:  

Youth Organizing Institutes
Emerging Organizers Fellowship
Black Organizers Cohorts
Leads & Directors Fellowship
Foundations of Organizing (coming soon)
Peer Learning Panels & Circles

Youth Organizing Institutes


Regional Youth Organizing Institutes bring together youth organizing staff and youth members in intentional relationships & community, build and deepen their organizing skills, analysis, and strategies through workshops, training, and peer learning, and embody healing & joy practices collectively for our liberation.


Our Fellowships support youth organizers along their pathways in Youth Organizing, cultivating the next generation of youth leaders, and strengthening the YO ecosystem in California. We have two 9 month fellowships we offer:

Emerging Organizers Fellowships - for organizers in their first to third year in organizing to build their foundational organizing skills, power and purpose. Learn More (make link to the page)

Leads & Directors Fellowship - designed for youth organizing staff who are serving in strategic roles in their organizations as seasoned lead organizers or emerging directors. Learn More (make link to the page)


Regional and Statewide Trainings - Foundations of Organizing Training


Ongoing training opportunities with practitioners in the field to deepen the skills, strategies, and practices of transformative youth organizing in base-building, leadership development, & campaigns.


Peer Learning

Regional and Statewide peer learning opportunities provide spaces for staff and young leaders to share best practices, tools, and lessons from the field to build the collective strength of our movements. From panels, to peer exchanges, we build the knowledge of our field from the ground up.

CB - Peer Learning
Transformative Youth Organizing Handout t

Transformative Youth Organizing Model

Our transformative youth organizing model is a holistic model of youth engagement and organizing that blends personal transformation, growth, and healing with base building, youth leadership development, campaigns, and movement building.